Over the past two decades, no firm or institution in America has conducted more analyses of the economic impacts of historic preservation than has PlaceEconomics. Beginning in Virginia in 1995 with the first statewide study of the impacts of preservation, we have prepared impact analyses in over a dozen states. Recently, we have expanded the types of studies we are able to provide to include analysis of affordable housing, deconstruction, and resiliency. Find our studies below.

July 2013
Profits through Preservation: The Economic Impact of Historic Preservation in Utah – Condensed Report
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May 2013
Rightsizing Right
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March 2013
Stronger Neighborhoods Through Strategic Decisions: ReLocal Pilot Project
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January 2013
Getting Results: The Economic Impact of Main Street Iowa, 1986-2012
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August 2012
Historic Preservation and Rightsizing: Current Practices and Resources Survey
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August 2012
Population Change in Historic Neighborhoods, a supplement to “Historic Preservation and Rightsizing: Current Practices and Resources Survey”
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July 2011
Measuring the Economics of Preservation – Full Report, Recent Findings & Executive Summary
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May 2011
Connecticut Local Historic Districts and Property Values
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March 2011
Investment in Connecticut: The Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation
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May 2010
Good News in Tough Times: Historic Preservation and the Georgia Economy
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March 2010
The Delaware Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program: Good for the Economy, Good for the Environment, Good for Delaware’s Future
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August 2005
The Economics of Historic Preservation: A Community Leader’s Guide
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