April 2020
Announcing Remote Services
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January 2020
Comments to the White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing
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August 2019
Big changes at PlaceEconomics!
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March 2019
Summer 2019 Internship Opportunities!
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September 2017
38 Reasons to Keep the Federal Historic Tax Credit
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December 2016
Feature Article on Rodney Swink, Habitat III, and the New Urban Agenda
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November 2016
“Habitat III: Quito, SDGs, NUA, UN-Habitat, and Heritage” by Donovan Rypkema
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October 2016
PresPoll 7 Recap: The Effectiveness and Use of Heritage Conservation
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October 2016
Results of PresPoll #6: Sustainable Development
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October 2016
Results of PresPoll #5: Resource Protection
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